Presentation Guideline

Oral Presentation
Abstract of oral presentation should be submitted via FSDM 2018 Submission System. Please mark "for oral presentation" in the NOTE box, or email to for confirmation.

Abstract Template

Please be prepared for 10 Minutes of Presentation and 3-5 Minutes of Q&A.

NOTE: Laptop will be provided by conference. PDF and PPT are both acceptable. To make sure the presentation can be properly displayed, please debug it or send it to conference secretary beforehand.

In oral presentations, the best presenters of each session will be awarded with free standard registration for the next FSDM.

Poster Presentation
Abstract of poster presentation should be submitted via FSDM 2018 Submission System. Please mark "for poster presentation" in the NOTE box, or email to for confirmation.

After acceptance, please prepare your poster by referring to Instructions for Poster Presentation.

NOTE: Presenter is required to stand by his/her poster. After the presentation, the posters will be handed out to the presenters correspondingly.

For participants without presentation, please kindly send your name, affiliation and position to for registration.