Publication Guidelines
Some selected papers accepted for FSDM 2018 will be published in following journals:

Intelligent Data Analysis

ISSN: 1088-467X (Print) 1571-4128 (Online)
Indexed by: Science Citation Index-Expanded (SciSearch®), EI Compendex, EBSCO database, Scopus, and others.

Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis (JNCA)

ISSN: 1345-4773 (Print) 1880-5221 (Online)
Indexed by: SCIE (Science Citation Index Expanded), Scopus

Journal of Information Science and Engineering

ISSN: 1016-2364
Indexed by: SCIE (Science Citation Index Expanded), SciSearch, EI COMPENDEX Plus, SCOPUS and others

Conference proceedings will be published in the book series: Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications (FAIA).

Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications

Indexing information could be found at
To be added...

Publishing process

1. Authors submit papers via the online submission system. Paper format should be in Word (preferred).
2. Editor performs an initial technical criterial check (paper field, structure of submission, adherence to the submission instructions and English language usage.), called"Pre-reviewing" with one week. Papers that go through Pre-reviewing will be assigned to related reviewers for refereeing.-Looking for reviewers
3. Papers will be refereed in two months.- Undergoing review
4. The Organizing Committee will send the review reports to authors for paper improvement at the first time once at least two constructive review reports are received.
Author will be required to revise paper and update the revised version via login the submission system.-Author to modify
5. If necessary, revised paper will be sent to the original reviewers for the second round of review.-Second round of review
6. Acceptance notification will be sent to the corresponding author and the registered author. Author should pay the registration fee, and update the final version of paper as per the registration instructions.-Accepted
7. Final version of paper will be proofread by the Organizing Committee.
8. Author check, correct and send back the proof to the Organizing Committee.
9. Corrected papers will be sent to the journal publication office officially for on line publication.-Scheduled for publication

Please note that the journal publication office does not proofread and typeset papers. The Organizing Committee is in charge of papers' proofing. Therefore, please do check and correct your paper carefully when proofs are sent to you. Corrected papers will be directly published online by the journal publication office.

How long will it take to review one article?
It takes between two to three months. Author should contact the Organizing Committee if the article is still under review three months after submission.