Biography: Maurizio Marchese is associate professor of Computer Science at the University of Trento in the Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science (DISI). He has worked in the field of web engineering and service-oriented architectures for over ten years. His main research interests are in social informatics: how information systems can realize social goals, apply social concepts, and become sources of information relevant for social sciences and for analysis of social phenomena. Lately, he has been involved in CIVIS, an EU project exploring the connection between social involvement in communities and responsible use of energy; and in ACANTO, an EU project developing a Cyber physical social network of older adults using robot friends.
Speech Title: Groups and Social Activities Recommendation Systems for Social Networks of Older Adults
Abstract: The combination of longer life expectancy, evolving socio-economical norms and conditions, and new technologies are dramatically changing life after retirement, and not always for the better. In more and more countries, older adults find themselves with many years in front of them, some of them likely characterized by reduced physical and cognitive abilities. Within the context of the ACANTO project we aim – among other objectives - at rethinking long life and understanding the socio-economical context that can make this period of life more exiting and attractive. The specific angle we take is that of enabling older adults of all ages - and specifically including adults with limited mobility or that have reduced cognitive abilities - to connect, move and interact among themselves and their social circles (family member, care-givers) and health circles (doctors, nurses) leveraging on existing and yet to be developed information and communication technologies, tools and devices.
Our goal with this research is two-fold: (1) the design, implementation and validation of appropriate algorithms for the recommendations of circle (groups) of older adults with similar preferences in specific social networks (2) the design, implementation and validation of algorithms used for the recommendations of social activities in selected environments, contributing for the evolution of the social circles.