Invited Speaker---Dr. Yi Cai, Professor

School of Software Engineering, South China University of Technology, China

Biography: Yi Cai is a professor in South China University of Technology, and he received his PhD from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2009. Before he joined SCUT, he was a post-doctor of City University of Hong Kong. He was a visiting scholar of Imperial College London, Tsinghua University, City University of Hong Kong, Nanyang Technological University. He published more than 80 papers (e.g., IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Neural Networks, Decision Support Systems, INFORMS Journal on Computing, Knowledge Based Systems, AAMAS, CIKM, ER, WI, WISE and ICTAI) and 2 books. He reviewed papers from conferences and journals related to information retrieval, semantic web, recommender system, data mining and database, including TKDE, TOIT, Decision Support Systems, WWWJ, KBS, JCST, CIKM and ER. He is a program committee member of conferences, including ICWL, ICWE, WAIM, ICEBE and NDBC. He is the co-chair of Social Networking and Mining Track in EIDWT-2013, DaSem 2013 and SeCop 2015.

Speech Title: Combining Task-Oriented Knowledge into Short Text Classification

Abstract: Since some documents are short and ambiguous, recent research enriches document representation with concepts of words extracted from an external knowledge base. However, this approach might incorporate task-irrelevant concepts or coarse granularity concepts that could not discriminate classes in a text classification task. This might bring noise to document representation and degrade text classification performance. To solve this problem, in this paper, we propose a neural network to incorporate task-oriented knowledge into a convolutional neural network for short text classification. The experimental results on three datasets show that our proposed model outperforms the state of-the-art models.